Sunday, August 29, 2010

Collage 165

On this page, young Rostov is in the midst of a battle. He overhears two superiors debating about what they see on the battlefield -- they see fires and cries from the French. Is it a ruse, or have the French retreated, lighting fires in the rear guard to deceive the Russians? Rostov does not follow orders. Rather than staying with the boundary of a brook, he rides further on his horse, "constantly making mistakes, taking bushes for trees and hollows for people, and constantly explaining his mistakes to himself." I found his behavior puzzling. If you were on the battlefield, would you disregard orders and ride into dangerous territory? That must be why I am a collagist and not a soldier. -- Lola

Lola Baltzell
from page 339-340 of original text
collage, acrylic paint
made 7/16/10

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