Thursday, June 24, 2010

Collage 101

When we had completed the first 100 collages, we spread them out on the wall and tables. In part it was to celebrate getting to 100, but also in part it was an opportunity to look with fresh eyes. Lulu had used purple earlier in the series, and I felt like purple should be re-visited. This piece includes purple wax paper, some kind of Indian script and origami paper.

Another reason I dislike Anatole so much is that in an earlier scene between Helene and Pierre (page 207 of the Pevear/Volokhonsky translation), Pierre is recalling, "I've been told that her brother Anatole was in love with her and she with him, and there was a whole story, and that's why Anatole was sent away." What else could it be besides incest? This book really does have it all.

My friend Carol Odell received the collate materials that Lynn mailed to her and she is eager to get started. Not to be a spoiler, but she lived in Japan for some time and is partial to origami. Let's see what she does with her piece! -- Lola

Lola Baltzell
from page 209-210 of original text
collage, acrylic paint
made 5/14/10

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