Saturday, July 16, 2011

Collage 466

'Returning home from Vorontsovo and driving through Bolotnaya Square, Pierre saw a crowd at the execution ground, stopped, and got out of the droshky. It was the flogging of a French cook accused of spying. The flogging had just ended, and the executioner was releasing from the flogging-horse a fat man with red side-whiskers, in blue stockings and a green jacket, who was moaning pitifully. Another criminal, thin and pale, was standing nearby. Both, judging by their faces, were Frenchmen. With a morbidly frightened air, similar judging by their faces, were Frenchmen. With a morbidly frightened air, similar to that on the thin Frenchman's face, Pierce pushed his way through the crowd.

"What is this? Who? For what?" he asked. But the attention of the crowd-- office clerks, tradesmen, shopkeepers, muzhiks, women in coats and jackets-- was so eagerly concentrated on what was happening on the execution ground that nobody answered him.' -p 751 in P/V

Lynn Waskelis
from page 187-188, Volume 2 of original text
made 4/8/11
Pevear/Volokhonsky translation page 751-752

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