Sunday, November 14, 2010

Collage 242

Here are some of the words which appear on this collage:

"The world is a graph, revealed linearly by infinite microscopic, electric charges. Human thought and emotions are but so many forces which activate motion. The rhythms of life are dynamic, supercharged forces which move within orbits of their own destiny. Thus these lines speak of the infinite world, wherein human thought and action dwell." Next time I get to the studio I will dig out the book and note the author and title. Lucy wrote yesterday more favorably about this art critic, but I still find it highly amusing.

This page of the book is from Volume II, Part Two, Chapter XII. Pierre and Andre have met at Bald Hills nd are discussing management of their estates, the condition of the serfs and philosophy. Prince Andrei "... looked at the sky Pierre had pointed to, and for the first time since Austerlitz saw the high, eternal sky he had seen as he lay on the battlefield, and something long asleep, something that was best in him suddenly awakened joyful and young in his soul. This feeling disappeared as soon as Prince Andrei re-entered the habitual conditions of life, but he knew that this feeling, which he did not know how to develop, lived in him. The meeting with Pierre marked an epoch for Prince Andrei, from which began what, while outwardly the same, was in his inner world a new life."

This is Tolstoy at his best. I myself have had two experiences like this, what I would call a moment of spiritual awakening. Both times it happened in nature, once in the redwood forest in northern California and the other time on the beach on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. It is indeed very difficult to capture with words. -- Lola

Lola Baltzell
from page 491-492 of original text
collage, acrylic paint
made 9/24/10
page 388-390 Pevear/Volokhonsky translation

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