Sunday, March 21, 2010

Collage 6

This is just the latest of quotes about love that have called to me since starting the War and Peace project. I read it last night on my friend's blog.

Imaginary Boundaries

It's him quoting from Metaphors We Live By, by Lakoff and Johnson:

"For instance, what if Love Is a Collaborative Work of Art?

If love is madness, I do not concentrate on what I need to do to maintain it. But if it is work, then it requires activity, and if it is a work of art, it requires a special kind of activity, and if it is collaborative, it is even further restricted and specified.

This new metaphor is rich with implications. How is love as art different from love as need or love as fate, as something written in the stars? Depending upon the concept, your role changes." -- Lynn

Lola Baltzell
page 19-20 of original text
made 1/3/10
collage on paper

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